A Remarkable Journey: Derek's Commitment to Cambodia and Beyond

Derek's story is a compelling reminder that our journey is shaped by the impact we make, the connections we foster, and the bridges we build, not just for ourselves but for the world


Suparna Roy

11/11/20235 min read

Humans of Cambodia - Derek
Humans of Cambodia - Derek

In a world marked by constant change and global shifts, stories of resilience, compassion, and a commitment to positive change shine even brighter. Phatry Derek Pan (PDP), commonly known as Derek, an inspiring individual with a mission, is living proof that dedication can transcend boundaries. Through a heartfelt conversation with him, Humans of Cambodia got to know the man behind the inspiring journey.

A Passion for Cambodia

Derek's story is one of dedication, especially to the Cambodian community. From the moment he set foot in Cambodia in October 2016, he was determined to bring positive change. His talent agency, Perfect 10, has played a pivotal role in the Cambodian entertainment industry. To the present, Derek's agency for nurturing talent and providing a platform for emerging artists has impacted over 150 individuals in five years. Derek shared his vision for Perfect 10, stating that he wants to be the bridge for aspiring Cambodian talents and provide them with the opportunities they deserve.

But it doesn't stop there. His love for the Cambodian culture extends to more than just business. Derek believes in giving back to the society that has embraced him. He's actively involved in initiatives that create opportunities for Cambodian youth, fostering connections and encouraging local talent to thrive. Through networking events, structured training, and community involvement, Derek is making a real difference

A Global Perspective

Derek's journey takes us across the world, from the United States to Cambodia. It's a testament to his adventurous spirit and the will to explore the world. His extensive travels have broadened his horizons and deepened his understanding of diverse cultures.

Yet, Derek's journey has not been solely about racking up passport stamps. It's about connecting with people, learning from experiences, and sharing his unique insights with the world. While many people focus on gathering wealth and assets, Derek's perspective goes far beyond monetary success. He's on a mission to create an impact and facilitate connections, not just for Cambodians but for people from all backgrounds.

The Family Bond

One aspect of Derek's journey that strikes a chord is the deep bond he shares with his family. As one of seven siblings, he's seen his brothers and sisters achieve tremendous success, both financially and professionally. But Derek's journey has been different. While he might not be as wealthy as his siblings, he is rich in the experiences and life lessons he has gathered.

His story is one of resilience, having faced various challenges across the globe. From navigating in the world’s most expensive city, New York, to confronting language barriers criss crossing China’s megacities of Beijing, Chengdu, and Chongqing, Derek's experiences have shaped him into a stronger and more determined individual.

Aneakajun: The Next Chapter

As we look forward to Derek’s future, we can't help but be excited about his upcoming venture, Aneakajun. This new project promises to be an extraordinary endeavour. As Derek eloquently put it during our conversation, Aneakajun is designed to be more than just another news business. It's a vision to create a movement of people reconnecting with their roots, regardless of their ethnic or racial backgrounds. The goal is to provide opportunities for individuals all around the world, especially oversea Khmers, and encourage them to come back to Cambodia. Derek is leading the way to inspire others to embrace their heritage, wherever they may be.

The Khmerican Journey

Before Aneakajun, Derek was instrumental in launching Khmerican in September 2011, a news platform that has been a source of inspiration and insight for the Cambodian diaspora in US and Canada. Through Khmerican, the company highlighted personal and community narratives, covered sensitive social and political issues like deportation, and connected with people from all walks of life. The platform shared upcoming events and keep his community updated about significant dates, such as Cambodia's Independence Day. Derek's passion for news media was evident, and his dedication to preserving and promoting Cambodian culture shone brightly through Khmerican.

A Personal Reminder

In a world where we often rush through our lives, it's important to remember that the number of people who attend your ceremony isn't what truly matters when you're alive. What does matter is the impact and influence you have while you're still here. Derek is committed to creating that influence, not just for Cambodians but for everyone he encounters.

He wants to encourage everyone to be more aware of their roots and not forget where they come from. Derek's story is an invitation to revisit our family photos and include our beloved pets. The message is simple: treat your furry friends as members of the family.

Derek's motto, "Stop waiting and begin creating," is a call to action. It's a reminder that the time to make a difference is now. There's no need to wait for the perfect moment; you can create it.

A Closing Message

Derek's journey is a testament to the power of determination, compassion, and the drive to make a difference. It's an inspiring story that reminds us that success is not just about amassing wealth but about the positive impact we create in the lives of others.

As we conclude our conversation with Derek, his parting message is clear. Let's respect and honor animals, let's be kind, let's embrace our roots, and most importantly, let's take action today.

Derek's story is a compelling reminder that our journey is shaped by the impact we make, the connections we foster, and the bridges we build, not just for ourselves but for the world.

In Derek's own words: "Stop waiting and begin creating." Derek's remarkable journey is proof that the path to a better world is paved with compassion, commitment, and the courage to create change.

Humans of Cambodia - Derek
Humans of Cambodia - Derek
Humans of Cambodia - Derek
Humans of Cambodia - Derek
Humans of Cambodia - Derek
Humans of Cambodia - Derek
Humans of Cambodia - Derek
Humans of Cambodia - Derek
Humans of Cambodia - Derek
Humans of Cambodia - Derek