Chansopheak Hem: Nurturing Dreams and Green Spaces

Chansopheak Hem's journey is a celebration of the fusion of passion, purpose, and community, weaving a narrative that encourages us all to believe in the transformative power of our dreams


Suparna Roy

1/22/20245 min read

Humans of Cambodia -Chansopheak Hem
Humans of Cambodia -Chansopheak Hem

In the heart of Phnom Penh, Cambodia, Chansopheak Hem, a passionate gardener and landscape designer, is sowing the seeds of inspiration. Humans of Cambodia had the pleasure of sitting down with Chansopheak, the founder of Pteah Chas, a community space housed in an old building, to delve into his journey and dreams.

From Agriculture to Education: A Journey Unfolds

Chansopheak Hem's journey began in Phnom Penh, where he pursued his undergraduate studies in Agronomy at the Royal University of Agriculture. His decision to delve into Agriculture wasn't just an academic choice; it was rooted in his compassion instilled by his grandmother. She, despite facing physical challenges, inspired Chansopheak with her act of generosity, teaching him the joy of giving to those in need.

His educational journey didn't stop at Agriculture. Chansopheak ventured into teaching, earning a Bachelor of Education degree. The decision to dive into teaching was driven by a desire to learn more about language. English, in particular, became a crucial tool for him, opening doors to job opportunities and allowing him to share his knowledge effectively.

Later, Chansopheak pursued a master's degree in development studies, driven by his passion for the environment and a vision to contribute meaningfully to society. His journey wasn't confined to Cambodia; he secured scholarships to study in Japan, Laos, Singapore, Indonesia, and the Philippines, gaining exposure and broadening his perspective as an international citizen.

Humans of Cambodia -Chansopheak Hem
Humans of Cambodia -Chansopheak Hem

Pteah Chas: Cultivating Community and Creativity

The culmination of Chansopheak's diverse experiences led him to establish Pteah Chas, a community space with a unique vision. Pteah Chas, meaning "old home" in English, seeks to revitalize old houses into spaces that breathe life into the community, both socially and economically.

As we explored Chansopheak's multifaceted educational journey, he shared how his grandmother's act of kindness shaped his values. "When I do that, it makes me so happy that I can help someone, even though we are not rich. It's about the feeling that we know the importance and want to share it with people who need more than us."

The journey wasn't without its challenges. Losing his mother at the tender age of eight brought about a profound change. It made him more independent, instilling a drive to succeed in his studies to honor his family's aspirations. Chansopheak emphasized the importance of higher education as a means to achieve independence and contribute positively to society.

Humans of Cambodia -Chansopheak Hem
Humans of Cambodia -Chansopheak Hem

Passion Meets Purpose: Paving the Way for Green Spaces

Chansopheak's passion for the environment and gardening led him to focus on urban agriculture, particularly indoor and urban gardens. His community space, Pteah Chas, became a platform for collective, small, and independent businesses. Old houses were transformed to retain their potential and character, embodying Chansopheak's commitment to sustainable and inclusive development.

"Why gardening?" I asked. His response was a reflection of his profound connection to nature and a desire to rekindle people's awareness of their environment. "Agriculture is life. Now that I'm working on urban agriculture, I focus a lot more on indoor plants and urban gardens. People are losing their connection with nature, and I want to bring that back."

Education, Entrepreneurship, and Overcoming Obstacles

Chansopheak Hem's educational pursuits in agriculture, teaching, and development studies might seem diverse, but they form the bedrock of his entrepreneurial spirit. When asked about his foray into teaching, he shared, "I wanted to learn more about language. I knew that a major in English was essential for job opportunities, and I also enjoyed sharing my knowledge."

The entrepreneurial path wasn't without its challenges. The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic posed a significant hurdle just as he embarked on his project. "COVID hit me hard," Chansopheak acknowledged. However, he demonstrated resilience by adapting to the circumstances and finding innovative solutions to connect with the community.

As a young entrepreneur, decision-making presented another set of challenges. Chansopheak acknowledged his limited experience but highlighted the importance of seeking support from friends, staying positive, and remaining open to advice. Financial support was crucial, and he explored various avenues, even reaching out to other businesses for partnerships.

Blooming Success: Growing a Community and Creating Impact

Despite the challenges, Chansopheak Hem has found success in creating awareness about the importance of plants and green spaces. The Phnom Penh Plant and Garden Fair, organized two years ago, gained popularity, becoming a focal point for plant enthusiasts, gardeners and landscape designers to share their knowledge with the public.

His success extends beyond local recognition; he was invited by Chiang Mai University to share insights into innovative business in Cambodia. This recognition reinforces the impact of his work and its importance on an international stage.

Chansopheak emphasized the significance of community support, sharing how hiscommunity space and events have garnered positive responses. "I don't feel lonely; I feel that I have a very supportive family and a supportive community around me."

From Dreams to Reality: Envisioning the Future

Chansopheak Hem envisions a future where he is not just a successful gardener and landscape designer but also a well-known figure in the field. He aspires to contribute to public knowledge about plants, gardens, and urban spaces. His dreams extend to the transformation of the old Harvest building into a vibrant hub for creatives, fostering a sense of community and collaboration.

As we wrapped up our conversation, Chansopheak left a powerful message for the younger generation: "Now is the golden age for us, the young generation, to pursue our dreams. If no one has done what you are striving for, believe in yourself, and when you believe in yourself, others will start believing in you too."

Humans of Cambodia -Chansopheak Hem
Humans of Cambodia -Chansopheak Hem

Finding Joy in Passion and Dreams: A Personal Reflection

Chansopheak Hem's journey is a testament to the power of passion, resilience, and community support. From the challenges of losing loved ones to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, he has navigated obstacles with unwavering determination.

His joyful moments, from opening his first plant store to representing Cambodia in international events, highlight the fusion of passion, business, and personal joy. Each experience, whether in education or entrepreneurship, has shaped Chansopheak into a visionary entrepreneur with a commitment to sustainable development.

As we navigate through Chansopheak's narrative, one can't help but feel inspired. His story is a reminder that, in the pursuit of dreams, obstacles are inevitable, but with belief, resilience, and community, one can carve a path towards success.

In conclusion, Chansopheak Hem's journey is a celebration of the fusion of passion, purpose, and community, weaving a narrative that encourages us all to believe in the transformative power of our dreams.