Embarking on a Journey of Discovery: Shunsuke's Enchanting Encounter with Cambodia

In the eyes of Take, Cambodia is not just a backdrop for his photography; it is a canvas for positive transformations led by an inspired youth.


Suparna Roy

12/17/20234 min read

Huamans of Cambodia - Shunsuke Miyatake
Huamans of Cambodia - Shunsuke Miyatake

In the heart of Southeast Asia lies Cambodia, a country rich in culture and history, and home to a unique blend of traditions. Amidst this vibrant tapestry, Shunsuke Miyatake, know as “Take” a Japanese photographer, has found not only a canvas for his art but a profound connection to the community. In a recent interview with Humans of Cambodia, Take shared his journey, aspirations, and reflections on Cambodia, offering a glimpse into a life dedicated to positive change.

A Twist of Fate: Take’s Serendipitous Journey to Cambodia

Take's journey began with a twist of fate, as he found himself drawn to Cambodia during his work transfer. The allure of the country's culture and the warmth of its people left an indelible mark on him. Little did he know that this initial encounter would spark a transformative chapter in his life. "I met with the people here, and they were very friendly and very open. That was very attractive to me," Take recalls. It was this warmth and openness that led him to extend his stay and eventually make Cambodia his home.

Capturing the Unseen: Take's Lens on Cambodian Life

As a photographer, Take is not merely capturing moments but telling stories—stories of everyday life, untold narratives, and the spirit of the Cambodian people. His lens focuses not only on the picturesque landscapes but on the faces and lives that often go unnoticed. In 2016-2017, Take delved into the Cambodian startup scene, collaborating with Impact Hub Non-Pen and Toyota to establish an incubation program. This marked a pivotal moment in his career, steering him away from traditional advertising and towards a path of social entrepreneurship.

Huamans of Cambodia - Shunsuke Miyatake
Huamans of Cambodia - Shunsuke Miyatake

From Advertising to Social Entrepreneurship: Take's Career Evolution

As the interview progresses, Take reflects on the changes in his career. From working in advertising agencies for 17 years in Japan to navigating the complexities of social entrepreneurship in Cambodia, his journey was marked by a shift in focus. The transition brought with it a new set of challenges, adapting to a different pace and mindset.

Huamans of Cambodia - Shunsuke Miyatake
Huamans of Cambodia - Shunsuke Miyatake

Navigating Challenges: Take’s Transition from Japan to Cambodia

The conversation takes an intimate turn as Shunsuke shares the challenges that shaped his life. Amidst professional accomplishments, Navigating the transition from a dynamic advertising agency, where projects typically spanned a month, to the world of 17 Triggers posed its own set of challenges. Adapting to longer project timelines, extensive research, and a shift in mindset proved to be a formidable task. Take sheds light on the intricacies of this adjustment, emphasizing the importance of time and a nuanced approach in the realm of social impact.

Successes and Turning Points: Take’s Artistic Recognition

In 2015, Take experienced a turning point in his career when Instagram featured one of his photos. The image, capturing kid with Japanese background, garnered widespread attention and catapulted him into the global spotlight. Reflecting on success, Take acknowledges the positive outcomes of his efforts in Cambodia, particularly the "Art for Food" project. This project, collaborated with 90+ photographers and artists, aimed at supporting people in need, stands as a testament to the transformative power of creative endeavors.

Dreams Beyond Clients: Take's Creative Collective Vision

Amidst these challenges, Take unveils his passion project—a creative collective. Beyond serving clients, he envisions a team of artists, photographers, writers, and sculptors mobilizing their creative prowess for societal causes. His dreams extend beyond client work, reaching into the realm of community engagement. This creative collective seeks to create a space where like-minded individuals come together to address societal needs.

Huamans of Cambodia - Shunsuke Miyatake
Huamans of Cambodia - Shunsuke Miyatake

Preserving Cambodia's Essence: Shunsuke's Cultural Observations

The conversation then shifts to Cambodia's rich cultural heritage. Take expresses his admiration for the strong emphasis on family ties and spending time with loved ones, a sentiment he finds lacking in Japan. However, his observations don't merely stop at family dynamics. Take’s lens extends to the everyday lives of ordinary Cambodians, those who may not find themselves in the spotlight.

Life Lessons and Prioritizing Family: Shunsuke's Personal Realizations

In a poignant moment, Take shares a life lesson learned through personal experience. He addresses the challenge of maintaining a work-life balance, urging others not to make the same mistakes. This realization has become a driving force in his life, compelling him to prioritize family and cherish the moments spent with loved ones.

Huamans of Cambodia - Shunsuke Miyatake
Huamans of Cambodia - Shunsuke Miyatake

Parting Words of Wisdom: Shunsuke's Message to Aspiring Individuals

In the final moments of the conversation, Shunsuke leaves the audience with a profound message. He encourages individuals to pursue their passions, irrespective of societal expectations. "Find what you want to love to do and chasing it. You don't have to copy other people's... learn from other people even though they are living on the street, you can learn from them as well," he advises.

Envisioning Cambodia's Future: Shunsuke's Hopes and Dreams

As the interview draws to a close, Take shares his thoughts on Cambodia's future. He envisions the country evolving into a cultural hub, distinct from the rapid development witnessed in neighboring cities. He expresses his admiration for Cambodia's potential, not just as a tourist destination but as a place that inspires positive change.

Huamans of Cambodia - Shunsuke Miyatake
Huamans of Cambodia - Shunsuke Miyatake

Conclusion: Shunsuke Miyatake's Cambodia—A Canvas for Positive Transformations

In the eyes of Take, Cambodia is not just a backdrop for his photography; it is a canvas for positive transformations led by an inspired youth. As we bid farewell to this intimate conversation, the resonance of Shunsuke's words lingers—a reminder to chase our passions, prioritize our relationships, and contribute positively to the lives of those around us. The journey continues, with the hope that these inspiring narratives will echo far and wide, much like the click of Shunsuke's camera capturing the essence of Cambodia.