Embarking on a Royal Journey: His Royal Highness Prince Tesso Sisowath's Extraordinary Tale

Prince Tesso Sisowath gazes into the future. His vision revolves around preparing the younger generation to carry the mantle forward. The emphasis on creating self-sustaining mechanisms within the foundation echoes a broader narrative — the importance of empowering the youth to become leaders in their own right


Suparna Roy

12/27/20235 min read

Humans of Cambodia - Prince Tesso Sisowath
Humans of Cambodia - Prince Tesso Sisowath

In the heart of Cambodia's cultural renaissance, Humans of Cambodia find His Royal Highness Prince Tesso Sisowath, a man whose journey weaves through time, cultures, and a profound commitment to preserving and promoting Cambodian arts and traditions. In a delightful conversation with the Prince, we explore the unique chapters of his life, from his early days in Paris to his current role in shaping Cambodia's artistic future.

The Early Years

The story begins in 1963 when Prince Tesso Sisowath was born. At the tender age of five, he left Cambodia for France, following his father, who assumed the role of ambassador at UNESCO in Paris. Raised in the vibrant city of Paris, the Prince underwent his education and later worked for a prominent French company. However, his return to Cambodia in 2004 marked a pivotal moment, a homecoming that ignited a deep connection to his roots.

Despite the passage of more than four decades, the memories of Cambodia never left him. The Civil War, glimpsed through television broadcasts, stirred emotions of pain and longing. The political landscape made a return seem distant and challenging. It took a significant event, the passing of his father, to prompt Prince Tesso Sisowath's return in 2004, bringing his father's ashes back to the land of his ancestry.

A Return to Roots and the Birth of a Vision

The political scenario at the time saw a power-sharing arrangement between the royal party and the CPP. Prince Tesso Sisowath found himself drawn into the world of politics, initially serving as Secretary of State at the Ministry of Tourism. The ebb and flow of politics led to a shift, and he found himself appointed as an adviser in the royal palace by King Sihamoni.

In an unexpected turn of events, Prince Tesso Sisowath became involved in the arts, particularly the Royal Ballet. Following the passing of Princess Norodom Buppha Devi, his cousin, he took up the responsibility of maintaining her legacy. The birth of a foundation, aimed at preserving the princess's contributions to dance, led to the establishment of a school and a commitment to making classical dance accessible to a broader audience.

Humans of Cambodia - Prince Tesso Sisowath
Humans of Cambodia - Prince Tesso Sisowath

Life Lesson and Looking Forward

Reflecting on life lessons, Prince Tesso Sisowath shares his belief in the importance of maintaining a positive outlook, even in challenging situations. He speaks about the value of hard work and the need to confront and overcome difficulties. The Prince acknowledges the pivotal role of support from unexpected quarters, shaping his perspective on the importance of helping others.

As the interview concludes, Prince Tesso Sisowath looks to the future. His primary focus is on preparing the younger generation to take the reins, ensuring the sustainability and independence of the foundation he has built. The Prince envisions a Cambodia where the arts thrive, driven by a new generation of leaders passionate about preserving their cultural heritage.

Lessons in Cultural Preservation and The Power of Unity

As we explore deeper into the life of Prince Tesso Sisowath, a poignant theme emerges — the importance of preserving Cambodia's cultural identity. The Prince emphasizes the need to bridge the gap between tradition and modernity, making classical dance accessible to a wider audience. He shares his belief that culture is not confined to a select few but belongs to everyone, a sentiment that echoes the aspirations of his late cousin, Princess Norodom Buppha Devi.

The challenges faced by the foundation in sustaining its endeavours prompt Prince Tesso Sisowath to ponder creative solutions. He narrates the journey of establishing a school, driven by the desire to honor Princess Buppha Devi's legacy. The school, initiated with a handful of students and minimal resources, has evolved into a thriving institution with over 200 students. The Prince's vision extends beyond imparting dance skills; it encompasses fostering a deep appreciation for Cambodia's cultural heritage.

Humans of Cambodia - Prince Tesso Sisowath
Humans of Cambodia - Prince Tesso Sisowath

The Intersection of Art and Legacy

The conversation takes an introspective turn as Prince Tesso Sisowath reflects on the intersection of art and legacy. He delves into his role in handling the legacy of Princess Buppha Devi and the responsibility of overseeing the foundation's initiatives. The Prince's commitment to ensuring the sustainability of the school becomes apparent, driven by a desire to keep the flame of Cambodian arts burning brightly.

The mention of Prince Tesso's choreography, "Jaya Varman", reveals the Prince's dedication to innovation in the arts. Creating something new, a dance that breaks away from traditional norms, becomes a testament to the dynamism he brings to the cultural landscape. The Prince emphasizes the importance of blending different arts and creating a dialogue between tradition and modernity.

Personal Reflections and the Human Side of Royalty

In a rare glimpse into the personal realm of His Royal Highness, Prince Tesso Sisowath, we discover his passion for travel and cultural exploration. He shares his fascination with different cultures and the joy derived from connecting with people across the globe. The Prince's love for cultural exchange becomes a testament to the universality of human experiences and the power of shared traditions.

Life lessons, as Prince Tesso Sisowath sees them, are rooted in positivity and resilience. His journey from a privileged upbringing to understanding the value of hard work is a narrative of personal growth. The Prince acknowledges the influence of his parents, who instilled a sense of responsibility and an appreciation for the value of money through a deliberate introduction to the workforce during his youth.

Humans of Cambodia - Prince Tesso Sisowath
Humans of Cambodia - Prince Tesso Sisowath

Looking Ahead and Cambodia's Cultural Renaissance

As the interview draws to a close, Prince Tesso Sisowath gazes into the future. His vision revolves around preparing the younger generation to carry the mantle forward. The emphasis on creating self-sustaining mechanisms within the foundation echoes a broader narrative — the importance of empowering the youth to become leaders in their own right.

In the broader context of Cambodia's cultural renaissance, Prince Tesso Sisowath envisions a country poised for greatness. The resilience of the Cambodian people, coupled with the youthful enthusiasm and curiosity of the new generation, presents an opportune moment to build a society that cherishes its past while embracing a promising future.

If anyone want to witness the performance they can book their tickets:

Dance Show The Coronation of King Jayavarman VII - https://hello.last2ticket.com/event/5150

Documentary Film The Perfect Motion - https://hello.last2ticket.com/event/5151