Ian Jones, Founder & Executive Director of Agile Development Group

We delve into the remarkable work ADG is doing to empower entrepreneurs with disabilities in Cambodia,


Suparna Roy

10/22/20235 min read

Humans of Cambodia - Agile Devlopment Group
Humans of Cambodia - Agile Devlopment Group

Ian introduces ADG, an organization that focuses on creating an enabling environment for entrepreneurs with disabilities and disability-related ventures. ADG operates as an Entrepreneur Support Organization (ESO), with one arm dedicated to supporting women entrepreneurs with disabilities and another arm, Mekong Inclusive Ventures (MIV), advocating for various forms of capital suitable for disability-related ventures.

A key project undertaken by ADG is the creation of accessible workspaces, with the co-working space with 3 other inclusive businesses being the first successful venture. Additionally, ADG supports Agri House, an agriculture-focused business, and is developing Bodhi Tree Naturals, an environmentally friendly cleaning product business based on a swap and go refill model, that includes an impact tracker allowing businesses to measure their own reduction of plastics going into landfill.

Ian's passion for promoting gender equality, diversity, and social inclusion, especially among marginalized communities, drives ADG's initiatives, extending support to women, people with disabilities, and indigenous communities. The organization's aim is to build ventures that not only thrive economically but also contribute positively to society.

The conversation then shifts to Ian's personal background, including his origins in Australia, where he initially engaged in social enterprise development. He describes his journey from Australia to Cambodia and reflects on the pivotal moments that led him to devote his efforts to empowering Cambodian people, particularly those with disabilities.

Humans of Cambodia exclusive interview with Ian Jones, Founder, and Executive Director of Agile Development Group (ADG), we delve into the remarkable work ADG is doing to empower entrepreneurs with disabilities in Cambodia and the broader ASEAN region. Ian shares his background, insights, and the driving force behind his commitment to supporting individuals with disabilities.

Humans of Cambodia - Agile Development Group
Humans of Cambodia - Agile Development Group

Entrepreneurial Support and Mentorship

Part two of our interview with Ian Jones delves into the specifics of how ADG supports entrepreneurs living with disabilities. Ian discusses the importance of providing not just entrepreneurship training but also advocacy for various aspects of entrepreneurship. ADG's work extends beyond education to advocating for accessibility, financing, and creating disability-friendly businesses.

Ian highlights the need for entrepreneurship to be an inclusive and accessible field. For ADG, entrepreneurship support isn't limited to training; it also encompasses providing entrepreneurs with disabilities access to capital and advocating for disability-friendly ventures.

One of ADG's key projects is the development of accessible workspaces, with the co-working space, located at FACTORY Phnom Penh as a successful case. Additionally, Agri House, a business designed for the Cambodian market, exemplifies ADG's commitment to addressing the unique needs of the disability community.

The interview then shifts focus to the broader scope of ADG's mission, encompassing gender equality, diversity, and social inclusion. Ian underlines that ADG's support extends to marginalized communities, including women, people with disabilities, and indigenous populations. The ultimate goal is to create ventures that contribute positively to society while thriving economically.

Building Inclusive Networks

In the third part of our interview with Ian Jones, Founder and Executive Director of Agile Development Group (ADG), we explore the concept of building inclusive networks to support disabled entrepreneurs. Ian elaborates on the importance of creating peer-led networks and communities to empower individuals with disabilities in their entrepreneurial journeys.

Ian emphasizes that creating networks and communities is a vital component of ADG's approach to supporting entrepreneurs with disabilities. These networks serve as a platform for knowledge sharing, mentorship, and mutual support. ADG's programs focus not only on imparting entrepreneurial skills but also on fostering a sense of belonging and community among entrepreneurs with disabilities.

One of ADG's key initiatives is to establish peer-led networks, enabling the women entrepreneurs they work with to connect with and learn from their peers. These networks provide valuable insights, emotional support, and a sense of shared experience, helping entrepreneurs overcome challenges and build successful businesses.

Ian also highlights the importance of building partnerships and collaborations with other organizations and stakeholders to create a more inclusive ecosystem for entrepreneurs with disabilities. By working together, these entities can amplify their impact and address the unique needs and challenges faced by individuals with disabilities.

Challenges and the Road Ahead

In part four of our interview with Ian Jones, Founder and Executive Director of Agile Development Group (ADG), we delve into the challenges faced by disabled entrepreneurs and the road ahead for ADG. Ian discusses the obstacles and opportunities in supporting disabled entrepreneurs and shares his insights into the journey of social entrepreneurship.

Ian acknowledges the various organizations and initiatives working to support individuals with disabilities in Cambodia, emphasizing the need for collaboration and avoiding duplication of efforts. While ADG focuses on entrepreneurship and inclusivity, other organizations address issues like landmines and disabilities caused by accidents.

Ian highlights the importance of maintaining an inclusive approach by considering not only the disability sector but also other marginalized groups. This broader perspective ensures that support programs benefit a wide range of individuals facing various challenges.

The discussion then shifts to the successes and accomplishments of ADG, as well as the lessons learned along the way. Ian emphasizes the significance of building an inclusive environment from the start, rather than retrofitting accessibility, which can be costly and less effective. He underscores the importance of recognizing and respecting the capabilities and abilities of individuals with disabilities.

Looking Ahead and Sending a Message

In the final segment of our interview with Ian, we explore his vision for the future and his message to the community. Ian's passion for supporting disabled entrepreneurs and promoting inclusivity shines through as he discusses the pivotal role ADG plays in putting people with disabilities on the map in the ASEAN region.

Ian highlights the critical need for an ASEAN Center for Disability Entrepreneurship, which would serve as a regional hub to address the financing challenges faced by social enterprises focusing on individuals with disabilities. By creating a peak body that aggregates programs and funding needs, ADG aims to empower entrepreneurs with disabilities and disability related ventures, and foster inclusivity across ASEAN countries. Ian envisions a future where people with disabilities are recognized, supported, and given the tools to thrive as entrepreneurs, contributing to economic growth and social integration throughout the region.

Humans of Cambodia - Agile Development Group
Humans of Cambodia - Agile Development Group
Humans of Cambodia - Agile Development Group
Humans of Cambodia - Agile Development Group

As our interview comes to a close, Ian reflects on the origins of the name "Agile Development Group" (ADG). The name was chosen to emphasize ADG's commitment to agility and responsiveness in the world of social entrepreneurship. Ian also acknowledges the playfulness and cultural resonance of the name, which adds a layer of depth to their work.

Our conversation concludes with Ian expressing his core message to the community. He encourages individuals and organizations to prioritize inclusivity and accessibility in every aspect of life, whether it's designing business programs, vocational training programs, or physical spaces. He emphasizes that inclusion should not be an afterthought but an integral part of the design process from the very beginning.

Ian's words serve as a powerful reminder of the importance of creating a more inclusive and accessible world for all. His dedication to this cause and his innovative approach to social entrepreneurship continue to inspire positive change in Cambodia and beyond.

Humans of Cambodia - Agile Development Group
Humans of Cambodia - Agile Development Group