Leang Syna: A Journey of Artistry and Inspiration

Leang Syna's story is more than a tale of makeup and movies; it's a testament to the human spirit's capacity to overcome challenges and create a lasting legacy


Suparna Roy

11/24/20235 min read

Leang Syna, a prominent makeup artist and educator from Cambodia, has carved her path in the world of beauty and cinema. With a passion for makeup that transcends borders, she has not only contributed to the glamour of the film industry but has also played a pivotal role in shaping the next generation of makeup artists through her educational endeavours.

Early Days and Entry into the World of Makeup

Syna's journey into the realm of makeup began with a fascination for movies and a keen interest in understanding the artistry behind the scenes. Born and raised in Cambodia, she embarked on her professional journey, eager to explore the transformative power of makeup.

Her initial foray into the makeup industry involved working with local magazines and newspapers, gradually gaining recognition for her skillful application of makeup. However, it was the world of movies that truly opened doors for Syna and set her on a trajectory towards international acclaim.

The Cinematic Odyssey

Syna's notable contribution to the movie industry includes her work on various films, with one of the highlights being her involvement in a Hollywood production. The experience of working on an international film not only brought her widespread recognition but also allowed her to showcase her talent on a global stage.

Her impressive portfolio undoubtedly includes collaborations with renowned actors and filmmakers. The allure of the cinematic world became a defining factor in Syna's career, propelling her towards new opportunities and challenges.

From Makeup Artist to Educator

Beyond her success in the film industry, Syna's journey took a transformative turn when she embraced the role of an educator. Realizing the importance of not just technical proficiency but also the significance of attitude and responsibility, she began training aspiring makeup artists.

Her philosophy emphasizes the holistic development of makeup artists, stressing the importance of punctuality, preparation, and a positive attitude. Syna's commitment to nurturing not just the technical skills but also the professional demeanour of her students sets her apart as a mentor dedicated to shaping the future of the makeup industry.

Weathering Challenges and Celebrating Success

Syna's life has been a tapestry of both challenges and successes. The COVID-19 pandemic posed a significant hurdle, impacting her business and prompting introspection. The decision to move to Australia, despite facing uncertainties, reflects her resilience and commitment to personal and professional growth.

One of the proudest moments in Syna's career was the establishment of her Syna Styling makeup school in Phnom Penh’s Psar Chas, that in 2021 then relocated to Borey Maha, Sen Sok. The school stands as a testament to her success, providing a platform for budding makeup artists to hone their skills and pursue their dreams.

Cultural Connection and Community Contribution

Syna's connection to her Cambodian roots remains a crucial aspect of her identity. She actively celebrates and preserves Cambodian culture, emphasizing the importance of respect and humility in interactions. Her desire to share her culture, even on international platforms, showcases a deep sense of pride in her heritage.

Looking ahead, Syna envisions contributing to the makeup community in Australia. Beyond individual success, she aims to support and uplift fellow makeup artists, fostering a collaborative and inclusive environment

Lessons from a Life in Makeup

As an individual who has weathered storms and celebrated victories, Syna offers valuable insights for the younger generation. Her advice resonates with a simple yet powerful message: pursue what you love passionately, persevere through challenges, and never stop learning.

The story of Leang Syna is not just about makeup and movies; it's a testament to the transformative power of passion, resilience, and the pursuit of one's dreams. Whether on the sets of a Hollywood film or in the classrooms of her makeup school, Syna continues to inspire and leave an indelible mark on the world of beauty and cinema.

The Human Side of Leang Syna

Beyond the professional achievements and the glitz of the film industry, Syna is a person with a compassionate heart and a deep understanding of the human experience. Her willingness to share personal challenges, such as the loss of her brother-in-law during the interview, reflects her authenticity and resilience.

Syna's emphasis on not judging others based on appearances or societal standards resonates in her advice to the younger generation. Her experiences have taught her the value of empathy and the need for open communication, especially in an industry where judgment can be harsh.

Having grown up in the refugee camp on the Thai border in the 1980’s Syna knows how important it is to take care of those who are less fortunate. As part of her commitment to helping others altruistically, Syna has regularly given up her free time to offer a no-fee service to the children at the Little Hearts Centre, ensuring that these children can look and feel their best with the love and care from Syna and her team.

A Glimpse into the Future

As Syna prepares to embark on a new chapter in Australia, her focus remains steadfast on continuous learning and expanding her skill set. The decision to move, despite the uncertainties, showcases her courage and determination to embrace change.

The makeup artist and educator envisions contributing to the Australian makeup community, sharing her knowledge and fostering an environment of collaboration. Her commitment to supporting fellow artists and her dedication to the craft reflect a woman who sees success not as an individual pursuit but as a collective journey.

Closing Thoughts

In the tapestry of Leang Syna's life, each experience, whether challenging or joyous, has woven a narrative of growth and resilience. Her story is a reminder that pursuing one's passion goes beyond the glitz and glamour—it's about facing adversity, making tough decisions, and inspiring others along the way.

As Syna continues her journey, her impact reverberates not only in the films she has contributed to or the students she has mentored but in the philosophy she carries with her. It's a philosophy rooted in love for one's craft, respect for others, and an unwavering commitment to personal and professional growth.

Leang Syna's story is more than a tale of makeup and movies; it's a testament to the human spirit's capacity to overcome challenges and create a lasting legacy. As she steps into the Australian landscape, one can't help but be excited about the chapters she will add to her already remarkable story. The world of beauty and cinema is undoubtedly richer with Syna in it.

Humans of Cambodia - Leang Syna
Humans of Cambodia - Leang Syna
Humans of Cambodia - Leang Syna
Humans of Cambodia - Leang Syna
Humans of Cambodia - Leang Syna
Humans of Cambodia - Leang Syna
Humans of Cambodia - Leang Syna
Humans of Cambodia - Leang Syna
Humans of Cambodia - Leang Syna
Humans of Cambodia - Leang Syna