Linda's Dance: A Journey from Prague to Cambodia and the Rhythms of Belly Dancing

Linda's legacy extends beyond the dance floor; it is a testament to the transformative power of pursuing one's passion with perseverance and dedication.


Suparna Roy

11/29/20235 min read

In the heart of Cambodia, amidst the vibrant culture and diverse community, Humans of Cambodia found Linda Asha Abdalla, a woman whose journey from Prague to Cambodia has been nothing short of extraordinary. Linda, a skilled belly dancer, graciously shared her story, passion, and insights during our recent interview, offering a glimpse into the world of belly dancing and the profound impact it has had on her life.

Roots in Egypt and the Path to Cambodia

Our conversation began with Linda's roots, and she explained the origin of her full name, Linda Asha Abdalla. Linda, derived from her first name, is complemented by Asha, her father's first name, with Abdalla serving as the family surname. The rich tapestry of her name reflects a blend of cultures, a mix that mirrors Arabic and European roots.

Linda's initial connection with Cambodia dates back to 2002 when, at the age of 15, she first visited the country during a family trip. Although she explored various Asian countries during their travels, Cambodia held a unique place in her heart. It was a feeling of being at home that lingered, prompting a desire to return one day.

In 2012, Linda's dream became a reality when she settled down in Cambodia. Her decision was not impulsive; it was a culmination of several visits to the country and a genuine connection with its culture and people.

From Europe to Cambodia: A Dance-Fueled Transition

Before Cambodia, Linda's journey took her from Europe, where she was born in Prague, Czech Republic, to Egypt and eventually back to Europe. However, it was in Europe, particularly in Prague, where Linda lived and studied, that she discovered her fascination with Arabic music during visits to Egypt. The enchanting melodies ignited her interest in belly dancing, leading her to explore this captivating dance form.

The decision to pursue belly dancing professionally in Cambodia was not immediate. Linda initially worked part-time in a popular restaurant, River House, where she proposed introducing belly dance performances. The positive response encouraged her to take the plunge and open her own classes.

Family Support and Cultural Misconceptions

One might wonder how Linda's family reacted to her choice of becoming a belly dance teacher and performer. Linda emphasized the importance of having supportive parents who prioritized her happiness and well-being. Her parents never imposed specific career choices on her, allowing Linda the freedom to follow her passion.

The misconceptions surrounding belly dancing were also addressed during our conversation. Linda spoke about the prevalent misunderstanding that belly dance is only about showcasing the belly. She emphasized the holistic nature of the dance, involving various body parts such as shoulders, chest, hips, and legs. Linda passionately conveyed that belly dancing is for everyone, irrespective of age, nationality, or body shape.

Humans of cambodia - Linda Asha Abdalla
Humans of cambodia - Linda Asha Abdalla
Humans of cambodia - Linda Asha Abdalla
Humans of cambodia - Linda Asha Abdalla

Belly Dancing Beyond the Dance Floor

As we delved into Linda's experiences as a belly dance teacher, she shared her vision for the future. Linda aspires to change the perception of belly dancing in the community, emphasizing its deeper benefits beyond entertainment. She achieved her dream of creating a space where people can not only learn but also find the necessary props and attire, akin to the school she attended in her youth.

Linda's classes boast a diverse student base, representing 16 different countries. However, she expressed the need to reach more locals and break the stereotypes associated with belly dancing. Her ultimate goal is to make belly dancing accessible to women of all ages, ensuring they understand and enjoy the classes.

Challenges Faced and Overcome

No journey is without its challenges, and Linda's path was no exception. She spoke candidly about the initial struggle to promote her classes, the difficulty in setting up group classes due to varied schedules, and the slow process of gaining recognition. Linda also faced challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic, adapting by offering more private classes to her students.

The conversation touched on the importance of perseverance, especially in the face of challenges. Linda's determination to overcome obstacles, whether in promoting classes or managing schedules, reflects her passion for belly dancing and her commitment to sharing its joys with others.

Belly Dancing: More Than Just Dance

A significant part of our conversation revolved around dispelling common misconceptions about belly dancing. Linda highlighted the myriad health benefits associated with this dance form, including improved muscle toning, stress reduction, and even preparation for natural childbirth. She passionately advocates for belly dancing as a holistic activity beneficial for both the mind and body.

Encouragement for the Shy and Hesitant

For those who may feel hesitant or shy about joining a belly dance class, Linda offered reassurance. Shyness is a common barrier, especially in Asian cultures, but Linda's inclusive approach aims to break down these barriers. She encourages everyone, regardless of body shape or background, to give it a try. Linda emphasized that belly dancing is not limited by specific groups and can be enjoyed by women of all ages.

A Message for the Future

As our conversation neared its end, Linda had a powerful message for our readers. She urged adults, especially women, not to neglect their own learning and well-being. In her words, "As adults, we should continue learning things, and especially women should take care of their health and happiness." Linda believes that dedicating time for oneself, even just once or twice a week, can bring numerous benefits, both mentally and physically.

She also addressed the hesitations people may have about trying something new, emphasizing that adults should be open to learning. Linda encouraged individuals not to be concerned about societal expectations and to explore new opportunities without preconceived notions.

Humans of cambodia - Linda Asha Abdalla
Humans of cambodia - Linda Asha Abdalla

Closing Thoughts: Linda's Legacy in Cambodia

In concluding our conversation with Linda, we are left with a profound appreciation for her dedication, passion, and inclusive approach to belly dancing. Her journey from Egypt to Cambodia serves as an inspiration for those seeking to follow their passions, overcome challenges, and embrace the joy of learning something new.

Linda's legacy extends beyond the dance floor; it is a testament to the transformative power of pursuing one's passion with perseverance and dedication. As we celebrate Linda's contribution to the world of belly dancing, we are reminded that the rhythmic movements of this ancient dance form have the potential to bring joy, health, and unity to people from all walks of life.