Navigating the Creative Landscape: An Insightful Interview with Raksa Uy

Raksa, a dedicated creative person, firmly believes that visual storytelling is a powerful tool to deliver impactful messages.


Suparna Roy

11/5/20234 min read

Humans of Cambodia - Raksa
Humans of Cambodia - Raksa

In the dynamic realm of creativity, where imagination knows no limits, visual storytelling takes center stage. Humans of Cambodia's insightful conversation with Raksa Uy, a seasoned creative professional, is a journey through this intricate world. Raksa shares his experiences, challenges, and the wisdom that comes with a creative career. We discuss the untapped potential of Cambodian creativity, and the various aspects of the creative process.

The Power of Visual Storytelling

Raksa, a dedicated creative person, firmly believes that visual storytelling is a powerful tool to deliver impactful messages. He passionately asserts, "Visual storytelling is a tool to deliver a powerful message." In today's digital age, the ability to weave captivating narratives through visuals has never been more crucial. It's not simply about capturing images; it's about crafting stories that resonate with audiences on a profound level. The art of visual storytelling has the potential to provoke emotions, inspire change, and leave a lasting impact on all who encounter it.

A Diverse Creative Landscape

Our conversation takes us on a journey through the vibrant and diverse world of creativity, both in Cambodia and globally. Raksa acknowledges that while Cambodia might not be leading the creative pack, it's teeming with young talents eager to make their mark. The real challenge is providing them with the right tools and mentorship to help them reach their full potential. He believes in an encouraging approach, reflecting on the lessons learned and embracing the changes, converting them into a doer. Raksa’ optimism is contagious; he's confident that Cambodian creativity will soon get the recognition it deserves on the international stage.

Raksa's Creative Journey

Raksa's creative journey stands as proof of his unwavering passion and dedication. His love for visuals led him to start his career with enthusiasm. Over the years, he honed his skills in various creative roles, including directing commercial videos for regional brands and playing an art directing role. Raksa emphasizes the importance of immersing oneself in a creative environment to stay inspired. His journey shows that continuous learning and a deep love for the craft are essential for success in the creative world.

The Art of Mentoring

Mentoring is a fundamental part of Raksa's approach to his work. He believes in helping individuals clarify their goals, recognize their passion, and map out their unique paths. Instead of asking where they see themselves in the distant future, he encourages them to set smaller, achievable goals in the short term. Raksa's mentoring isn't about dictating the path; it's about building self-awareness and empowering creative minds to think proactively. If something is creatively executed, ask yourself what’s great or creative about it. Adapt from it, craft it, and owe it.

Challenges in the Creative Field

Creativity thrives on innovation and change, but Raksa acknowledges that stakeholders don't always readily embrace bold or unconventional ideas. The challenge lies in convincing them to step out of their comfort zones and explore new creative paths. It can be disheartening when a person shy away from creative risks, leading to a sense of being stuck in a cycle of repetitive projects. Raksa rightly points out that tackling these challenges is a common thread in the creative world.

Reimagining Creativity

Every creative endeavor is an opportunity to breathe new life into the process, to push the boundaries of what's creatively possible. Raksa's perspective emphasizes that each project is a blank canvas where new ideas and fresh perspectives can flourish. It's crucial to always strive to engage your audience in this exciting journey. This connection between the team and the project is what makes it meaningful.

A Future Shaped by Creativity

Looking ahead, Raksa envisions a future deeply rooted in the creative field he's so passionate about. He plans to be more actively involved in mentoring and knowledge sharing, much like his participation in this interview. Raksa believes that sharing and learning from diverse experiences and cultures is a wellspring of inspiration for boundless creativity.

Contributions to Cambodian Creativity

Having spent four enriching years in Cambodia, Raksa has had the privilege of meeting and collaborating with numerous talented individuals. He's grateful for the opportunity to work with these bright minds, further enriching Cambodia's creative landscape.


In a world where visual storytelling reigns supreme, creativity knows no bounds, and mentorship fosters personal and professional growth, Raksa's insights offer a window into the ever-evolving universe of creative professionals. Visual storytelling is a powerful tool that communicates meaningful stories and sparks change. Raksa's perspective embodies the art of creativity, where innovation and storytelling come together to create impactful experiences.

Humans of Cambodia - Raksa
Humans of Cambodia - Raksa
Humans of Cambodia - Raksa
Humans of Cambodia - Raksa