Safe Haven: Transforming Lives and Breaking Barriers for Children with Disabilities

Safe Haven, an organization founded by Heather E. Connell in 2011, is quietly making a profound impact on the lives of children with disabilities and their families in Cambodia.


Suparna Roy

10/18/20236 min read

humans of Cambodia - Safe Haven
humans of Cambodia - Safe Haven

Safe Haven: Transforming Lives and Breaking Barriers for Children with Disabilities

The Founding and Early Years of Safe Haven

Safe Haven (SH) was born out of a deep sense of purpose and compassion. Heather E. Connell, a passionate advocate for children with disabilities, envisioned an organization that would provide essential support and services to some of Cambodia's most vulnerable citizens. Her journey began with a chance encounter with a disabled child in a Cambodian orphanage. Recognizing the urgent need for assistance, Heather started by looking for help for disabled children and families, but found that very few resources existed.

SH's early days were marked by modest beginnings. With just two Cambodian staff members, a physical therapist, and a project manager, the organization started its mission. Jessica worked part-time as a nurse to provide advice and guidance, with the help of a translator. At this stage, SH acted as a bridge between children with disabilities and the essential services they required.

Expanding Horizons and Building Expertise

As SH continued to work closely with children and families in Cambodia, the organization realized the importance of developing a more comprehensive approach. Early on, they recognized the critical need for trained social workers to assist families in understanding and coping with the challenges of having a child with a disability. Consequently, SHK initiated a social work program and comprehensive training for its staff, ensuring that they could provide meaningful support to families.

While SH had an initial focus on physical therapy, they soon understood that addressing other aspects of disability was equally crucial. This realization led to the hiring and training of an interventionist who could address various dimensions of disability beyond physical mobility. Moreover, the organization saw the need for Cambodian nurses to join their team, further strengthening their ability to provide culturally sensitive care.

Holistic Support for Families

SH's mission extended beyond merely providing therapy and support to children with disabilities. They recognized that families played a vital role in the child's development and well-being. Hence, they began working intensively with families to help them comprehend their child's disability better and to equip them with the knowledge and skills needed to support their children effectively.

One significant challenge they tackled was the importance of hydration for children, especially those on medication. Many families lacked access to clean drinking water. In response, SH initiated a program to provide water filters to families, addressing a seemingly small need that had a considerable impact on the children's health.

Humans of Cambodia: A Conversation with Jessica Whitney, Country Director, and Chon Leakna, Deputy Director

To gain deeper insights into Safe Haven's work and impact, we had the privilege of speaking with Jessica Whitney, Country Director, and Chon Leakna, Deputy Director. Both shared their perspectives on the organization's journey and the profound change it has brought to countless lives.

humans of Cambodia - Safe Haven
humans of Cambodia - Safe Haven
humans of Cambodia - Safe Haven
humans of Cambodia - Safe Haven
humans of Cambodia - Safe Haven
humans of Cambodia - Safe Haven

Fostering Awareness and Collaboration

SH's approach to raising awareness about disabilities differs from many organizations. Instead of large-scale campaigns, they prioritize one-on-one relationships with families and collaborate with other NGOs and government agencies to promote inclusivity and support for children with disabilities. By building personal connections and helping people understand disability on a human level, SH has successfully shifted perceptions and beliefs.

Their involvement with other organizations ensures that children with disabilities are not overlooked. They encourage educational NGOs to consider how they can make their programs inclusive, foster care organizations to support children with disabilities, and hospitals to engage with families more effectively. SH advocates for children with disabilities to be seen, heard, and supported throughout Cambodian society.

humans of Cambodia - Safe Haven
humans of Cambodia - Safe Haven

Measuring Success and Looking Ahead

Measuring the impact of their programs is a crucial aspect of SH's work. Each child receiving their services has a personalized treatment plan with specific, SMART goals. Periodic reviews determine the progress made, and adjustments are made accordingly. This data-driven approach ensures that SH's interventions have tangible benefits for the children they serve.

While SH's work has been transformative for countless families, their vision extends further. They dream of a Cambodia where every child, regardless of their abilities, has access to the support and resources they need. Currently operating exclusively in Siem Reap Province, SH hopes to expand its reach in the future, making their services accessible to children in other provinces.

humans of Cambodia - Safe Haven
humans of Cambodia - Safe Haven

Safe Haven's Impact on a Child's Life

One notable example of Safe Haven's transformative impact is a young boy who, at the age of seven or eight, faced a myriad of challenges, including epilepsy, cerebral palsy, vision impairment, and developmental delays. Through Safe Haven's dedicated support and expert interventions, this child's life was profoundly transformed. He transitioned from a life of lying on the floor inside his home without medical attention to gaining independence, using his hands, and experiencing the world outside his home for the first time. Safe Haven not only empowered him with newfound abilities but also shattered the shackles of discrimination, fostering newfound hope within his family and inspiring change within the community.

humans of Cambodia - Safe Haven
humans of Cambodia - Safe Haven

How to Get Involved and Support Safe Haven

For those inspired by Safe Haven's mission and looking to get involved or provide support, there are several avenues. The organization welcomes volunteers who can contribute their expertise in areas such as training or therapy. However, due to the specific skills required, SH encourages potential volunteers to reach out to them via their website to explore opportunities.

Financial contributions are another vital way to support SH's work. Donations can be made through their website, which also provides additional information about their initiatives and impact. Every donation contributes to the organization's mission of empowering children with disabilities and their families.

A Heartfelt Message from Safe Haven and Humans of Cambodia

In closing, Safe Haven and Humans of Cambodia have a poignant message to share with the world. They invite everyone to understand that children with disabilities are not to be feared; they are incredibly lovable and capable individuals. Discrimination against them, whether overt or subtle, only hinders their potential.

Safe Haven and Humans of Cambodia urge people to eliminate any stigma surrounding disabilities and to embrace a more inclusive and compassionate perspective. Children with disabilities deserve love, freedom, and the opportunity to lead fulfilling lives. It is through collective understanding and support that we can create a world where every child, regardless of their abilities, thrives and reaches their full potential.

A Beacon of Hope

Safe Haven stands as a beacon of hope for children with disabilities and their families in Cambodia. Through unwavering dedication, expertise, and compassion, they are breaking down barriers and transforming lives. Their approach, rooted in personal connections and sustainable impact, serves as an inspiring example of how positive change can be achieved, one child at a time. As Safe Haven continues to grow and expand its reach, it carries with it the dreams of a more inclusive and equitable future for all children in Cambodia.

Safe Haven, an organization founded by Heather E. Connell in 2011, is quietly making a profound impact on the lives of children with disabilities and their families in Cambodia. Through comprehensive support, therapy, and education, Safe Haven is working to create a more inclusive and equitable society. In this article, in collaboration with Humans of Cambodia, we explore the remarkable journey of Safe Haven, its significant achievements, and its vision for a brighter future, through the lens of Jessica Whitney, Country Director, and Chon Leakna, Deputy Director.